Medusa from Fate Grand Order has mysteriously fallen into the world of SMT V, replacing Cybele. Enhanced with a new skeleton for dynamic breasts and hair physics, and texture maps to make her look the best.
This mod was commissioned by HonorableSpartan.
This mod features:
- Medusa replacing Cybele
- Portrait, name, and icon updates
- Enhanced skeleton with breasts and hair physics
- Texture maps for the best visual experience
If you want a model ported to the game tell me on the comments, If i like it i can check it out, who knows! I'll definitely mention you if i do it! Commission a mod or donate me a coffee! Open.
Erm... have a small page where i mirror all my mods, so keep an eye there if any disappear from here:
To give a moral support you can like or thank this mod page!!
Known issues:
- If you use any mod that alters Name, Lore, Skill Name or demon Icon: