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LoveStoryWriter - A tool to support VisualNovel creation with LoveStory (Library for LovePotion)
A tool to support VisualNovel creation with LoveStory


LoveStoryWriter - A tool to support VisualNovel creation with LoveStory (Library for LovePotion)

Download: https://shrikey.itch.io/lovestorywriter-for-windows

Use only together with LoveStory for Nintendo Switch!

This is a PowerPoint-Template combined with a PowerShell-Script.
It will help you to write dialogues for your Nintendo Switch Homebrew VisualNovels made with LoveStory (A Library for LovePotion/lua).

The PowerPoint-Template will help you to see what your text will look like ingame and helps you to know where linebreaks are needed. The character and background pictures you can see in the template are only for mockup reasons.

The PowerShell-Script takes the text in the clipboard and transformes it in LoveStory(LovePotion/lua) code, that you just have to copy and paste to your novel.lua file (LoveStory Library needed).

How to Use:
  • First use the PowerPoint-Template:
    • Use only the 1st Slide. Second slide is for matching the position with the ingame-text screenshot.
    • In the first line, write the Name of your character like it is defined in your novel.lua (MUST BE ALL LOWERCASE!!!)
    • After that you have 5 lines for text. Even if PowerPoint automatically does line-breaks you have to do this yourself (press ENTER before auto-linebreak) for the script to be working!
    • Use Strg+A or the Tripple-Mouse-Click to select all text inside the PowerPoint textbox and copy it (e.g. Strg+C).
  • Then use the PowerShell-Script:
    • Run the PowerShell-Script while you have the text from PowerPoint inside your clipboard.
    • This will modify the clipboard and replace it with the generated LUA-Code for the LoveStory library.
    • Now paste (Strg+V) the generated code inside your novel.lua that comes with the LoveStory library.
  • 2 Character-Mode:
    • In the PowerPoint-Template you can use 2 names instead of 1 name in the first line of the textbox.
    • Seperate the 2 Names with a "&".
    • The first name will be the main character talking, the second name the transparent character listening.
    • The PowerShell-Script will automatically generate a ComplexDialogue(...) for you.


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