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Liu Kang (SSBC 0.95 & CMC+V8)

Liu Kang (SSBC 0.95 & CMC+V8)
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Crusade.


The Deadly Alliance? Or recipe of Armageddon? Liu Kang (SSBC 0.95 & CMC+V8) You're not Kitana! He must win! Liu Kang (SSBC 0.95 & CMC+V8) Liu Kang in Street Fighter possible? At least in Crusade and CMC+! Oh now that... is craz- *CHOMP!* Fight of chosen ones

was chosen for the ultimate fight!

Liu Kang (3rd winner of my poll and also often requested) fights his way to the ultimate battle!

(Low) Dragon Fire (Neutral B):
Liu Kang sends a fiery flame in the shape of a dragon across the screen out of his hands at his opponent. This can turned into a Fireball, if the opponent doesn't get hit directly.

Flying Kick (Side B):
Liu Kang flies across the screen and connects with a kick to the opponent.

Parry (Down B):
Liu Kang gets in a parry stance. If his opponent attacks him while he's like this, he'll disappear in a burst of flames, reappear behind his opponent and deliver a swift surprise punch in the back. In short, a counter-attack like Marth, Divada etc.

Bicycle Kick (Up B):
Liu Kang flies across the screen with a series of multiple kicks to the opponent. One of his iconic moves!

Dragon Bite (Final Smash):
He kicks forward and if he hits, he turns into a dragon to bite his opponent. Classic fatality from old days!
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