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Iron Man (Marvel) [CMC+ v8]

Iron Man (Marvel) [CMC+ v8]
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Crusade.


Iron Man (Marvel) [CMC+ v8] Iron Man (Marvel) [CMC+ v8] Iron Man (Marvel) [CMC+ v8] Iron Man (Marvel) [CMC+ v8]

"They don't call us Earth's Mightiest Heroes for nothing."

Hailing from Marvel Comics, Iron Man joins the fray!

Not to be confused with Bloodys354's Iron Man, this is my version of the Iron Avenger.

Neutral B: Unibeam
Iron Man releases a beam from his chest that goes a far distance. This is a good keepaway tool in order to distance yourself from your opponent. It can also be used in the air with Iron Man slowing down his descent to fire the beam.

Side B: Smart Bomb
Iron Man shoots out 10 bombs from his shoulders and explode on contact. Another keepaway option for him, however it does have some start up when the move begins, leaving you open if you're not careful. Similarly to Neutral B, it can also be done in the air.

Up B: Flight
Iron Man propels himself and is capable of flight. During this state, he can freely move in any direction for a short period of time. He can cancel this move into his Neutral Air.

Down B: Repulsor Blast/Divekick
This move changes depending on where it is done.
If done of the ground, Iron Man holds a ball of energy that releases four lasers in four different directions. This can be used as an anti-air or to clash with an opponents projectiles.
If done in the air, Iron Man does a dive kick where he launches himself down to the ground. If this move connects with an opponent, Iron Man is slightly bounced backwards. This move can be spammed to go into combos, but you shouldn't become reckless as Iron Man can't cancel this move if you miss an opponent with it.

Final Smash: Proton Cannon
Iron Man brings out the Proton Cannon for one big laser that launches anyone who was hit by it.

Hope you guys like this mod, I'll try to put out many more characters in the future.
(this is also my very first mod that I've released so apologies if it isn't on par with other characters)
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