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How to draw peppino in pizza tower artstyle!

How to draw peppino in pizza tower artstyle!
A Tutorial for Pizza Tower.



I've seen a lot of people talk about how difficult the pizza tower art style is to achieve, and I totally agree with them, it is simple, but complicated at the same time. So today, I will try my best to make you understand HOW exactly to replicate this drawing style for your own benefits.

I will be doing so by drawing our main man Peppino spaghetti and explaining my main head of procedure.


As far as programming softwares go, I use aseprite, and I would recommend you use it too. Now don't get me wrong, it is entirely possible to do this with simple softwares such as paint, but it would save you so much of the trouble if you utilized either krita or aseprite. If you're using aseprite (I know nothing about krita), toggling on pixel perfect and stabilizer is highly recommended. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Adding the eyes

  1. Now the best way to start any peppino drawing is to begin with the eyes, since it sets as a surprisingly great base. To do this, simply start by drawing two ovals or circles, depends on what his expression might be. It's best to do this by hand instead of selecting the circle tool, so make sure you have stabilizer turned on for this part.
    One good thing to remember is that the right eye is bigger than the left eye 90% of the time. You should only do the opposite when you feel like you want to manipulate the artstyle your own way.
  2. To add pupils, first add the two dots, which their size depends on if they have external circles covering them: if they do, then make them smaller, if they don't, make them bigger. In my case, I added circles to both of them, but they vary in size because they're farther away.
  3. After this, add details like the extended eyes effect lines that cartoon characters have, eye sockets to make sure we know our boi is tired and also eyebrows (which I didn't put here lol)

Adding the nose

Now there is one thing You should know about the nose: EGGPLANT. That's it really, make sure it's always drooping down like a sad vegetable, as well as the moustache (or nose hair I mean I'm not one to judge) corresponding with the expression. Also, make it so that it looks like it's going between Peppino's eyes (not shown here because the eyes and nose are two different layers)


Adding the Teeth

Alright time for the main game-changer.
  1. First, draw a curvy line that extends on the outward lip on the bottom, kinda like this

  2. Add the teeth outline, which based on the expression, the bottom row would surpass the other when it closes at the back of his mouth
  3. After that, add in the external outline and the bump at the bottom drawn like a curved line that MUST align with the teeth.
  4. Finally, complete the teeth by adding lines and gums to finish drawing the massive gaping hole that is Peppino's mouth.

The Face Shape

Although most of Peppino's face shape was covered in the last section, we are now focusing on the upper half of his head.
  1. Starting from the top of the mouth, create a line that goes upwards inwardly towards Peppino's head, kind of like this (NOTE It is best to avoid making this line go outwards as it can throw the entire design off).
  2. Draw a curved ear not too elf-like and not too gnome-like, balancing both into this curved sphere that comes uo from the top of the mouth and ends going down.
  3. Using the upper end of the ear as an outline, put on some hair that tries its best to spike outwards while still hiding some of peppino's baldness

Adding chef's hat

  1. This is where things start to come together. First, create a line that will serve as the base of the hat, which comes out from his hair.
  2. Create a massive bump. Make it MASSIVE AND BEEFY. This is one point where I've seen a lot of people fail because they were scared to make it too big, but trust me, THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.
  3. Now just make sure to do the same thing on the other side, although I went a little easy on it since it would ruin perspective otherwise.

This is the overall effect of what's been done so far:

Now for a lot of drawings, this is where most people stop, since Peppino likes to stick his head out in a lot of places he shouldn't.

But WHYYY STOOPP HEEEEHEEERRRE (get the reference?)
This is a pep tutorial and it wouldn't be cool if I didn't do the WHOLE BODY, so here we go.

Adding the Arms

  1. So the way you should draw his arms is fairly simple. Start from the top, create a point at the middle of his teeth (or in my case at the top of his teeth since his shoulders are shrug up) and go down from there by keeping the same size throughout.
  2. Now TIME FOR THE FINGERS which is a point a whole lot of people struggle with. One technique I would recommend is to overlap every finger with another: draw the first furthest finger entirely and then draw the second one over it, and then the third, and also the thumb before or after if needed. Add some lines in there to indicate the bumps and you might just end up with something like this:
  3. Now just do the same thing with the other hand and we're good :)

Body and Legs

So the body really isn't that complicated, just as long as you can find a way to give him his accurate size, you can know where to put the end of his stomach. As for the legs, they should be pretty easy, just try to follow the two chonky lines that are Peppino's legs and the pointy shape that his feet (shoes) go for. Go wild with this onelegs

Filling It In

This is the result that I'm left with so far.pep-not-complete-yet
Colors shouldn't be a big problems, really just look at a reference and find all the spots where he needs color. So once getting it filled and adding a background, mine would look like this:pep-complete

Does your Peppino look exactly like this? Well, probably not, I didn't ask you to replicate it one-on-one, but I hope these steps could've helped you get a better understanding of the Pizza Tower artstyle.

Let me know what else kind of tutorial I should do next. For your information, I specialize in pixel-art, concept art, 2d animation, level design, speedrunning and playtesting, so feel free to ask me about any of this anytime or if you just want me to make another tutorial on something else leave it out in the comments.

Hope this helped!
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