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Frolic Unveiled

Frolic Unveiled
A Mod for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.


Frolic Unveiled

Watashi no bibou ga akasareru!

I got a good number of you guys asking for this one and there's even a request post for it! So let's deliver it!!

You can use for vanilla Cleopatra, any other mod or with my Cleopatra Unveiled and Newborn!

This mod features:

  • Frolic Skill without the black silhouette and pink background.
To install the mod, you can follow this guide.

If you want a model ported to the game tell me on the comments, If i like it i can check it out, who knows! I'll definitely mention you if i do it! Commission a mod or donate me a coffee! Open.

Erm... i have a small page where i mirror all my mods, so keep an eye there if any disappear from here: mugenrei.github.io.

To give a moral support you can like or thank this mod page!!

Known issues:

  • You tell me!
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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