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Fixed Mod Manager Button.

Fixed Mod Manager Button.
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


Default Menu. Default Menu. Dark Transparent Menu. Dark Transparent Menu. v99 Menu. v99 Menu.

I love Omegah's Dark Transparent Menu mod but something always felt off about the mod manager button. It felt out of place compared to the rest of the menu. I decided to remake the mod manager button in the style of the rest of the mod. Of course there are limitations to what I could do. I originally wanted to make the orange triangles that are apart of the vanilla eshop button purple but because those are shared with the online button I wasn't able to do that. Instead I decided to hide the shapes and make the button black. Another change I made was fixing the missing glow. The files are actually there but because the button is completely opaque you can't see the glow, this was an easy fix. I also changed the mod manager circle image back to the original one by Volya as I felt it fit the menu screen better (If you don't like this change, it's easy to go back to the original, just change the texture). Finally I managed to change the color of the border and text to purple to match the button. All-in-all I am very happy with how this turned out, I hope you all enjoy this as well.

I also decided to implement all of the fixes and changes I made to the mod manager button to the original mod by Volya.

Both versions of the mod are included in the download link below.

Note: Because the original dark transparent menu mod had like 6 different versions I decided to just change the omega version with the blue wifi glow. Mostly because I made this mod for personal uses and also cause I was lazy and didn't feel like going through all 6 versions of the mod and changing everything.

Of-course, credit to Omegah, MRSBeaTheLow, PK_, and Volya for making the original mods that this was based off of.

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