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Fire Emblem: Corrupt Theocracy

Fire Emblem: Corrupt Theocracy
Hack of Fire Emblem


Fire Emblem Corrupt Theocracy is a Fire Emblem 7 mod/hack. It contains custom events, a new story, and some new maps and mugs. All characters and weapons have been changed, and some new weapons and classes have been added.
The Hack is split into two parts: Part One (Lyn Mode) and Part Two (Eliwood Mode).
Part One
Part One is 9 chapters long including the prologue. It has 15 characters. It is meant to be fairly easy, and your characters generally greatly out level your enemies. Only the last two chapters should pose any difficulty.
The Story has you follow the prince of the Fire Clan of "Repub". His name is Eli, and he is the Commander of the countries border patrol. The story of part one starts with Eli on any regular old border patrol mission: Killing the bandits from Merc who have come into Repub. Everything changes though when it turns out that the group they attacked are actually working for Holy and are traveling with a True Dragon hostage.
Of the characters found in Part One, nine return as playable in Part Two, but only one of them has their part one stats affect their part two counterpart.
Part Two
Part Two is the main and central story of the hack. It takes place 20 years after part one. The story follows a group of mercenaries who originally work for the corrupt theocracy of Holy. This changes when two soldiers from Repub come looking for a general (a character playable in part one) to help with the countries current conflict, as they are now losing the war against Holy after a sudden turn of tides. When it turns out the general has died, but that two of the mercenaries are related to them, they decide to go as the next best thing, and so as to not go back empty handed. But during their adventure, an even bigger conflict Arieses…
It is 23 chapters long with 54 playable characters. Three of them are only available for the final chapter, and two are "Secret Characters" a la Stefan. Not all characters have support convo's. Instead, they have in chapter convo's with a couple of characters a la FE4. There are some characters who have supports, but have no support convo's.


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