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Final Fantasy VI Reimagined

Final Fantasy VI Reimagined
Hack of Final Fantasy VI


Final Fantasy VI Reimagined is effectively the culmination of my last three or four years of FF6 modding, combining multiple individual projects and going beyond them.

To sum up this project in a catchy soundbyte - "FF6 Remake, as created in the SNES engine". That means new story content, rebalanced gameplay, overhauled script, improved presentation and aesthetics, and more. The mod is for a 1.0 rom with no header.

As of October 2024, this is a Version 1.0 release. Multiple playtesters have played through it and many bugs and oversights have been squashed. If you find any, or have other feedback concerning writing or gameplay balance, please let me know.

  • The C.V. Reynolds bugfix compilation patch is included.
  • Overhauled gameplay balance to provide a higher challenge level without being brutally difficult; enemies have higher stats, more aggressive AI scripts, and make broader use of status and elemental attacks.
  • Esper level up bonuses are removed, instead stat boosts come from equipment pieces in a system inspired by FF12, where different classes of gear boost different associated stats. A new mechanic allows equipment pieces to stack for bigger boosts to HP and MP.
  • Several items and equipment pieces with different or new effects. Same for enemy skills.
  • New spells in Wind, Water, and Earth, with two tiers of power.
  • Strago has several of his Lores changed.
  • Sabin's Blitzes now all rely on Vigor, making them a little weaker, but his supportive Blitz skills are better.
  • Some of Gau's earlier Rages were nerfed, but some of his late-game ones have two unique attacks instead of one and a normal Attack command
  • Edgar's Air Anchor is replaced with the Bazooka, which is essentially a suped-up Auto-Crossbow.
  • Relm's Sketch calculates damage using her stats instead of enemies, making Sketched attacks much stronger.
  • All of Mog's Dances can be learned in either world; the Narshe snowfields have enemies in the WoB, and there are watery caves in the WoR.
  • Desperation Attacks can occur more often and at a higher HP threshold.
  • All characters have an ultimate weapon somewhere in the world.
  • The Eight Dragons are stronger, though not to superboss levels. The Gold Dragon and Skull Dragon have been moved to locations outside of Kefka's Tower, and some NPCs will give hints where to find them (even then, they're in places where they'll stick out if they're on the screen).
  • Espers generally teach spells faster, and Espers themselves have higher power and ignore split damage. A couple had their effects changed, and there is an entirely new Esper, Garuda.
  • Sprint with the B button is included, as is Y to swap between Equip and Relic screens
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  • Rewritten script that aims to be more technically accurate to the Japanese and have stronger character voicing and more natural-sounding dialogue, without losing that Ted Woolsey charm and his many iconic lines.
  • Some small liberties were taken for the sake of narrative cohesion; for instance, instead of Edgar explaining to Banon the plan to escape the Returner hideout, Banon explains it to him, since that makes more sense.
  • New story content, some integrated into the main story, others optional by talking to NPCs. Some are long scenes, others are brief conversations.
  • NPC dialogue was given no less attention than the main story; some NPCs now provide more interesting flavor text for the world, clues on gameplay elements, and generally enrich the setting even more.
  • Terra's scenario is slightly expanded with a miniboss and an obligatory visit to the Moogles.
  • Greatly reduced "canned dialogue" in the World of Ruin - all story events have three or four characters with unique dialogue that they will utilize in those scenes, and this comes with different scene blocking and animations for them where appropriate.
  • Cid remains on the Blackjack after viewing the scene with Setzer, and has dialogue if spoken to then and after the Floating Continent. He also has new dialogue if he survives on the Solitary Island.
  • Siegfried has been replaced with Gilgamesh, and ties into a gameplay subplot around the party's ultimate weapons.
  • Books in the Figaro Castle library provide some background lore on the setting extrapolated from content taken from Ultimania guidebooks.
  • A new scene with Shadow can be viewed by resting in Thamasa after viewing all of his dreams, where Strago confronts him over his suspicions about his identity.
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  • Characters have new sprites that aim to be more faithful to their iconic designs and concept art, and make them more colorful and interesting. Kefka in particular much more closely resembles his more garish and colorful design (as much as possible in the SNES sprite engine, anyway).
  • As you may have already noticed, this project incorporates RAN and EIN, allowing for the full names of items, equipment, spells, and abilities, to be utilized.
  • A new font that is slightly more condensed for purposes of fitting dialogue into text boxes, but is still easy and pleasant to read.
  • Several important NPCs have unique sprites now, like Duane and Madeline.
  • The Esper World has a unique palette to emphasize its magical and otherworldly nature.
  • All cities in the World of Ruin properly utilize the WoR color palette.
  • The Siege of Doma is more visually impressive, and the warriors of Doma use a unique sprite.
  • The presentation of the Guardian is consistent across its encounters as a large, autonomous mech.
  • As mentioned above, there are watery caves for Mog to learn his Water Dance in the WoR, and these areas have water and a new palette to signify this.
  • The enemies in the mine passage traversed in Terra's scenario are consistent through all segments of the area, save for the final leg to Arvis.
  • Some areas were given slight redesigns for aesthetic reasons; Figaro has more obviously mechanical elements, while Doma has traditional turrets and their own crest.
  • Bedrooms added to the imperial palace in Vector with a dash of visual storytelling for flair.
  • The Crusader magicite now actually summons the Warring Triad to attack foes.
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