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Femto Helper

Femto Helper
A Mod for Celeste.


Femto Helper Femto Helper Femto Helper Femto Helper

Objects as wacky as this helper's alternative name!

Femto Helper is a helper mainly focused on dynamic decoration elements.

Here's what it currently features:

Custom Speed Rotate Spinner:
The rotating Dustbunny/Star/Blade you know and love, but with a custom speed, for if you want a slow blade to fit your gameplay speed, or perhaps a fast dustbunny if you're feeling evil.

Custom Fake Crystal Heart:
A huge boost of customization compared to the vanilla Fake Heart. Features multiple behaviors, a support for custom particles, custom burst effects, and, most importantly, the support for setting flags.

Custom Parallax Big Waterfalls:
What always bothered me is that the big waterfalls in Reflection had a low parallax value but were always drawn over every single parallax background. With a custom parallax value, you have way more freedom with backgrounds while also using the waterfalls.

Particle Emitter:
With this entity, you can create particles at your will! With a ton of customization, those particles will make your custom map look absolutely beautiful!

Oshiro Caller / Repeller:
An entity, that when hit, will either summon Oshiro into your room, or make him, uh, explode into a million ghost particles. Or just make him leave the room. Your choice.

Custom Moon Creatures:
The little creatures in the Remembered checkpoint of Farewell, with all sorts of options to change its look and AI. Now it can fit your map's theme or something, idk

Custom Wind Flags:
The flags in Golden Ridge, but with the support for custom sprites.

Wind Petals:
Pretty much just petals that get affected by wind. Good for any map that isn't really cold but has wind anyways. You can set custom sprites, color, movement and rotation, and blur effects.

Femto Stars:
My own custom effect for the stars in Old Site. This one features the support for multiple colors, custom sprites, custom speed and direction, and a custom trail length.

Polygon Stars:
Custom effect that displays a polygon with a star shape; Could be a 4-pointed star, or 5, 6, 7-pointed, or whatever other unintended shape you manage to find with the settings available. Features the support for multiple colors, a set speed and direction, and more.

Vector Space:
Custom effect that displays a moving lattice of arrows pointing in whatever direction its sine functions determine; Supports any lattice spacing, colors, etc.

Rotating Pyramid/Prism:
An entirely cosmetic wireframe-like pyramid/prism for all your geometric needs. Features rotation (obviously), custom colors, base sizes, base side counts, and custom draw depth.

Backdrop Wind Controller:
With this controller loaded in, all backdrops with the tags of your desire will move with the wind, along with a multiplier for how much you'd want the to move with the wind. Useful for if you'd want your Mist stylegrounds to realistically react to strong air currents.

Fully Custom Summit Checkpoint:
Simply a Summit Checkpoint with custom textures and confetti colors.

Digital Cascade:
Highly customizable styleground effect that fills the map with ever-changing symbols scrolling down the screen. This is a Matrix reference, I think.

Distorted Parallax
Custom effect that mimics the vanilla parallax stylegrounds, but in a way that allows you to distort your texture at will. Highly customizable, and features everything vanillax parallax does.

SMW Block/Kaizo Block/Switch Block
A generic rewards container block inspired by the Super Mario franchise that can act as either a hidden block that trolls the player, a regular question block that ejects any entity when hit, or as a switch block that toggles flags around. The reward system allows for any entity, even custom ones, although those are not guaranteed to function as you'd expect. But hey, jank, am I right fellas?

SMW Fish:
Features two types of flag-toggled fish literally just for trolling the player. That's pretty much it.

If you encounter any issues with the helper, please contact me via Discord: @sunsetquasar, and I'll try fixing it in the next update!
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