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Crimson's Scrapped zones inspired Sandopolis

Crimson's Scrapped zones inspired Sandopolis
A Mod for Sonic 3 A.I.R..


Act 1 bg. Featuring sonic mania deluxe skin with sonic dvd palette Bright crystal cave (using icz2 glorified sprites) It's getting dark. Gotta race the ghosts Oh hell no

Not a nighttime mod this time

I know the title is weird but let me elaborate

The background and palettes for this mod are based on some unused zones from previous sonic games like dust hill/sand shower and desert dazzle from sonic 2 and sonic cd 2011 respectively. But I also added some stuff to give it my personal touch like act 2 being something completely different

This mod uses and requires the soz1 & 2 bg bmp conversion by useott. If you don't use the main mod below mine an ugly palette will display on the background since I've noticed some uploads of my other mods lack the backgrounds due to skipping the requirements and honestly I'm not putting effort on the backgrounds for people to ignore them

Well. After spitting that out I really hope you like the mod. I know it took me a lot to release it but I have other things and ideas to do. I'm trying to be faster and also I'll make updates, fixes and additions for my other mods in the future so expect your palette suggestions to be added if they are interesting enough

Also if the mod gets 30 likes I'll do a nighttime variant of this, I'm also up to suggestions of how the colors should look like


Dependencies and prerequisites required to use this Mod
  1. Soz bg bmp conversion by useott
First release
Last update
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