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Crimson's Carnival Fusion Zone

Crimson's Carnival Fusion Zone
A Mod for Sonic 3 A.I.R..


Main palette heavily inspired by studiopolis Dark and water palette. I highly suggest using the water surfaces mod

Carnival..Casino..Studio? Idk you know what I'm talking about

Hey there! It's Crimson again with another mod that honestly..I wasn't planning at all, but here we are so let's go

Now this mod is very similar to the last one, since the background is a fusion of some zones from the sonic series. However these are not scrapped but casino/carnival themed zones like studiopolis, casino night, spring yard and balloon park..probably you can recognize which part of the background comes from each zone but I think it turned out decent despite being a bunch of sprites in a blender

Yes, the main inspiration for this mod's background and palette is sonic mania..if you don't like that I'm so sorry but it is what it is. I also added some new stuff that hopefully seems nice to you

This mod pretty much like the others requires the bmp conversion of this zone made by useott, probably that man is tired of being mentioned here but hey, he totally deserves it since he's the one who provides the scripts and the whole base for me to make these mods for you guys. THE MOD IS IN THE REQUIREMENTS SECTION AND YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD IT, OTHERWISE THE GOD DAMN BACKGROUND WON'T SHOW AND I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU ON A YT VIDEO SAYING IT DOESN'T WORK. JUST INSTALL IT THE WAY IT'S INTENDED.
Sorry guys, I just think it was necessary to point that out. You know I love you. I suggest to also use new water surfaces, since the background doesn't allow underwater palette change (only on bmp and my backgrounds don't work in that format for obvious reasons)

And finally..I don't know if I'll continue with this..not only because I'm running out of ideas but because the lack of templates..and I suck on scripts so I don't think I would be able to do them by myself. That's pretty much it..I really hope you like this mod, keep in mind that this mod is not meant to be accurate to the original zone..none of my mods is meant to do that..I'm doing what I want to do and if you think my choices and ideas don't make sense..Just don't download the mod lol I don't know what you want me to do, if you want something accurate you have the tools to do so..and there's other mods made by talented people that do that..so you can check them out if something different is not your cup of tea



Dependencies and prerequisites required to use this Mod

  1. Cnz bg bmp conversion by useott
  2. (Optional) new water surfaces by sotaknuck
First release
Last update
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