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Chaos Seed: Fuusui Kairouki

Chaos Seed: Fuusui Kairouki
English Translation

Game Description:

Chaos Seed: Fuusui Kairouki is an action role playing game for the Super Nintendo.

Translation Description:

In the game you play the part of a Dousen or "Cave Hermit" who is tasked with the job of healing areas of the land that have become unbalanced and lost their energy. This is where the resource management aspect of the game comes in to play as you must build and maintain an Enchanted Cave in order to channel energy back into the earth. A large group of NPCs and monsters will both aid and hinder you in your progress to restore the land to its former self. This is not the only aspect of the game, however, as there are portions of each Scenario in which you must venture in to town to progress events in the storyline. The choices you make during these events can drastically alter the way each Scenario plays out, allowing for multiple endings and adding much incentive to replay each part of the story.

Updates: V1.02 corrects all errors/bugs submitted by the public since its release.


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