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Broly (Dragon Ball Z) [0.9.5/CMC+ v8]

Broly (Dragon Ball Z) [0.9.5/CMC+ v8]
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Crusade.


kakarot!!! Double Trouble Don't you lecture me with your 30 dollar haircut Bio Awakened About to slap some Janemba Cheeks The OG Goku Black Go Broly Go Go!

The Legendary Super Saiyan

Neutral Special: Eraser blow
A rather slow but big projectile that has decent damage and big knockback. If used up close it will act like a pseudo command grab and dealing heavy damage and knockback.

Neutral Special (tapped) : Machine Gun Shot
A barrage of ki blast in a some-what random height, great for zoning your enemies out. ( the more you tap, the more ki blast come out)

Side Special: Lariat Express
A fast lunging attack that on hit, will drag the opponent to the edge and giving them a huge slap before launching away

Up Special: Gigantic Strike
Broly charges in place before violently thrusting upward and grabbing the enemy.

Down Special: Powered Shell
A near indestructible shield that grants Broly super armor and projectile immunity for 10 seconds. Although its massive power, it can be popped in 2 or more direct hits.

Final Smash: Omega Blaster
Broly generates a ball of energy in his hand before dropping it downward diagonally.
First release
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