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Boo and Sully Chao

Boo and Sully Chao
A Mod for Sonic Adventure 2.


Boo and Sully Chao look at those peets contemplating chaonip no! water! side by side their tails no thoughts, head empty

Like, nyah... Cats in Chao World!

Like, nyah! Here's some cats who belong to a rather chao-like youtuber. Sully is a big floofy orange, and Boo is a cute calico. However, I didn't add these cats just to be a treat for Choa... I also added them because I wanted there to be custom chao models that can be used to make your own cats in the Chao World.

To Evolve a chao into Sully: name them SULLY, all caps.
To Evolve a chao into Boo: name them BOO, all caps.
Once they evolve, you can change their names back.

Requires Chao World Extended to Run.

I give anyone who gives credit to me for the original mod, full permission to edit the PAK files contained within to make your own Textures for them and share those textures. I've tried to keep them simple but flexible: Sully has a body and a Head texture, with mirrored uv's so if your cat is the same on the right side as the left, edit sullytex. Boo is more complex, with unique uv's for body and head, for left side and right side: for her, edit bootex.

Enjoy your new mischief makers! Better keep your chao fruit away from any table ledges...


Dependencies and prerequisites required to use this Mod
  1. Chao World Extended
First release
Last update
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