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Almost Full Paper Mario: The Origami King Save

Almost Full Paper Mario: The Origami King Save
Almost Full Paper Mario: The Origami King Save NO CHEATS

Hello there bodies
  • All Toad
  • Almost all Collectible Treasure, Missing:
    • The one you can get on Shogun Gallery on expert mode, I am not been able to get it.
    • Buy the Stapler from the mop on the Toad's Town Port. (Stapler was defeated but no trip to Toad Town)
    • Reclaim Collectible when you defeat the full game.
  • All Max UP Heart
  • All Hidden Block
  • All Not-Bottomless Holes
  • All Sound Disc
  • All Trophies
Also I am missing two accessories for alerts, I only have the Hidden Blocks Alert one.

The save is outside the door for Olly chamber ready for final battle.

Once I defeat Olly (it's a tough cookie) will upload the 100% save :p
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